Friday, February 11, 2011

The tumor

*taken from the book Living with a brain tumor and the internet*

With the help of my very informative neurosurgeon, nuero optha and other resources (book and internet), I was able to understand what I have. I remember asking my surgeon if it was something to do with my cellphone that I place near my head pillow. He gave a short laugh. Just recently, a person asked me if I bumped my head. I wanted to laugh so hard on that. There are factors like radiation, chemicals, genes etc but science has no definite answer to the causes. Well, I will tell you my non-medical friends and readers as simple as I understood it & with the resources I have.

A brain tumor is a mass of abnormal cells growing in the brain. The cells can come from anywhere from the brain to any places in the body. I have a primary brain tumor where it developed from the brain itself & it's benign :) They grow slowly and do not invade the brain tissues. Though it still a threat as it may cause pressure n important areas of the brain 

I have Pituitary Macro-Adenoma. I have a tumor that has blown up and squeezed my pituitary gland and hit my optic nerves. It is macro because it is more than 10mm in size. The Pituitary gland is found at the base of the brain and is known as the master gland, which plays a critical role in hormones, growth and reproduction. I have the prolactin -producing macroadenoma.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Findings

My first Brain MRI with contrast experience

As per my Brain MRI result taken April 2009 at The Cardinal Santos MRI Center:

A well-marginated mass was seen which was causing marked cmpression of the optic nerves. Fairly large 3.0 x 3.0 x 4.0cm and it is hemorrhagic mass. According to my neursurgeon, this was the reason why I was blinded almost 75% and since it was bleeding, it must be taken out immediately.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The confirmation

Apr. 3, 2009 I decided to go to American Eye Center because I could no longer see from the side. As in it was black. It has been for I think a month already and everyday, I see little. I did some test and the attending doctor said to come back the next day for another test. I said yes but I was a bit uncomfotable because he kept asking me about my menstruation period as to when I had the last one. Following day I came back, did the test and recommended me to a neuro optha. He was all weird when he saw me, asking again symptoms and my companion. I said I had none. He advised me tha next time I go to doctors I should have one. Then he blurted out "You might have a brain tumor" It took me a couple of seconds to react. Then there was just tears...He said to take the Brain MRI for confirmtation.

April 6, 2009 Took my first Brain MRI ever
April 8, 2009 I got the results but of course, I needed a neuro surgeon to read it and since it was holy week, I had to wait. Though my neuro optha confirmed it when I called him and read the findings and told me to see a neurosurgeon
April 13, 2009 I went to The Medical City and met a neurosurgeon. He said I had a tumor and it needs to be removed ASAP as it has blown up.