Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The confirmation

Apr. 3, 2009 I decided to go to American Eye Center because I could no longer see from the side. As in it was black. It has been for I think a month already and everyday, I see little. I did some test and the attending doctor said to come back the next day for another test. I said yes but I was a bit uncomfotable because he kept asking me about my menstruation period as to when I had the last one. Following day I came back, did the test and recommended me to a neuro optha. He was all weird when he saw me, asking again symptoms and my companion. I said I had none. He advised me tha next time I go to doctors I should have one. Then he blurted out "You might have a brain tumor" It took me a couple of seconds to react. Then there was just tears...He said to take the Brain MRI for confirmtation.

April 6, 2009 Took my first Brain MRI ever
April 8, 2009 I got the results but of course, I needed a neuro surgeon to read it and since it was holy week, I had to wait. Though my neuro optha confirmed it when I called him and read the findings and told me to see a neurosurgeon
April 13, 2009 I went to The Medical City and met a neurosurgeon. He said I had a tumor and it needs to be removed ASAP as it has blown up.

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